
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 4 100% Raw!

Today was a trying day. I had some of the worst cravings ever. And I also started having what I like to call emotional detox. See my biggest issue is that I am an emotional eater. All my food cravings are attached to my mood. Since I am pregnant my mood can very. I really found myself missing pastries and breadlike products today. That use to be my comfort food. After hours of debating as to weather or not a piece of bread would be the end of my progress. I finally decided to try and make raw brownies. This turned out to be a smart idea. They were so rich and decedant I had no room for anymore pastry cravings.

It was a lot of fun making them to. I got the children involved and they just loved it even more. I think the main reason the pastry craving came up to begin with is becuase my sons birthday is tommorow and I was trying to figure out how he can still have a cake and I stay raw. I eventually decided he is going to be the first member of the family to have a raw birthday. He is offically turning 2. Since he doesn't rember any other birthday's I am sure he won't miss the whole store bought cake thing especially since last year I made a homemade vegan chocolate cake anyway. So we are going to fix another batch of those Carob Brownies and we are also going to make Raw Carrot Cupcake and out them in the little cupcake liners. We can just stick a candle on the top of one. Also I am either going to make or purchase a large fruit platter. We are still going to Chuckie Cheese to play games. We are just going to eat before we go and probally take the fruit platter with us to snack on while we are there. We aren't having a party with friends this year anyway cause we are still new in town.

Also my daughter misses having a special restaurant outing on the weekend so we found a local raw restaurant that we are going to try out. I'll make a post after we check it out. Back home in Chicago the children and I use to go to Karyn's Fresh Corner and have raw ice cream on my husbands payday. I hope this restaurant turns out to be just as enjoyable as back home.

Well I made it through another day. Success is my goal.

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